Planifications with ddbmock

DynamoDB-Mock has two main goals. Speeding up tests and helping you plan your real DynamoDB usage. This includes both the throughput and the disk usage.

Getting disk usage

To get per table disk usage, feedback, one can issue a call to DescribeTable method. the informations returned are accurate in the sense of DynamoDB but beware, these are also by far below the real usage in ddbmock as there are asbsolutly no optimisations done on our side.

Getting Throughput usage

To get per table throughput usage you can rely on the dedicated logger utils.tp_logger. By default, min, max and average throughput are logged every 5 minutes and at the end of the program via an atexit handler.

Note that the handler is hooked to NullHandler handler by default so that there should not be any noise in the console.

To get statistics more often, you can change config.STAT_TP_AGGREG value before issueing any requests to ddbmock. __init__ may be a good place to do so.

For example, if you want to get statistics to the console every 15 seconds, you can use a code like this :

from ddbmock import config
from ddbmock.utils import tp_logger
import logging

config.STAT_TP_AGGREG = 15                     # every 15 sec
tp_logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())  # to console

Depending on how your your application scales, it may be interesting to run a representative secnario with multiples users and se how the throughput proportions. this will be a very valuable information when going live.

General logging

Logger utils.req_logger traces request body, response and errors if applicable. Each log entry starts with request_id=.... This allows you to keep track of each individual requests even in a higly concurent environnement.

By default, all is logged to NullHandler and you should at leaste hook a logging.StreamHandler to have a console output.